2024- 2025 Committees

The SSA holds standing committees that work on projects throughout the year. During the summer, only executives hold seats on committees and are elected by vote during the first meeting. Once the General Council is elected, the seats are reset and the committee members are re-elected, with the exception being the chair. 

Elections Committee
Chair: President
Members: VP Internal, Laura, Rosita, Mathys

Constitution committee
Chair: President
Members: Secretary, julia, grace, vacant X2

Scholastic Events Committee
Chair: VP Academic
Members: VP Social, VP External, VP Finance, Logistics Coordinator, Valmik, amelia

Formal Committee
Chair: VP Social
Members: VP Finance,  President, Valmik, Elsa, Neeharika

Services Committee
Chair: VP Internal
Members: John, Valmik

Sponsorship Committee
Chair: President
Members: VP Academic, Finance Assistant, Julia, Vacant X1

Clubs Committee
Chair: VP External
Members: Finance Assistant (VP Finance), VP Academic, President

OSG committee
Chair: VP External
Members: Full Year Logistics Coordinator, John, Simon, Grace

Grad Ball Committee
Chair: VP Social
Members: VP Finance, president, Logistics, Senior Advisor, X2

Promotions Committee
Chair: VP Promo
Members: VP Internal, Social Media Manager, Webmaster

Chair: VP Equity
Members: President, Elsa, Amelia, Julia

Charity Committee
Chair: VP Philanthropy
Members: Valmik, Amber, Laura

Chair: VP Social
Members: Logistics coordinator, VP equity, VP Bilingual, Laura, John

101 Week
Chair: VP Social
Members: Full Year Logistics Coordinator, Volunteer coordinator, summer logistics coordinator, Vp Promotions, (Advisory Roles: Elsa, Valmik, Vacant X1)